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Building/ Structural Surveys


Surveyors housing dis-repair report

Typical 1930's semi detached house with plastic windows and replacement roof.

Insualtion in a narrow cavity suggesting the property has been retrospectviely insualetd. Unfortunately the insualtion often fails to spread properly in narrow cavites so the property can remain cold.

An obviously broken gutter, and creeper that should be controlled to ensure that it does not disturb the tiles or block the gutter.

The gutter is an easy way in for a surveyor acting for a tenant.

Some loss of pointing on a chimney that probably does not require attention at present but now easy for a tenants surveyor and solictors to include in a claim as they are bound to win on the gutter.


Misted window. An unsightly inconvinience rather than a threat to the property or tenant.

Typical signs that the roof edge timber is decaying. If not acted on qucikly the timber will get beyond the repair and it will be necessary to disturb the felt.

Apart from needing redecoration the glazing panels are a risk to people as they are not toughned.

Not disrepair, but the laziness of a contractor or failure to think to bring a saw is remarkable, except that I have seen exactly the same situation of several other properties.

Frost damaged bricks that are below damp proof course level

The tenant claimed that the bath could not be properly sealed as the bathmoved but any movment of the bath was negligible.

Typical condensation in a corner.



Typical condensation at a juncture, perhaps exacerbated by poor insulation of the flat roof that can be seen on the first picture.

Typical condensation in a corner.


Typical condensation in corners.

Severe condensation due to the angles of the ceiling not being insualted.

Insude the angles ceiling showing no insulation

Angled ceiling apart should there be all this condensation in a property with modern boiler, insulated cavity wall and double glazed windows? Unfortuantely the landlord had failied to repair the boiler from November until about March when the property was inspected!

Given that the boiler and gutter are likely to be serious disprepairs and the whole house is affected the lawyers are suggesting that a tenants claim might exceed £10,000 



Housing disrepair surveys are subject to the relevant legislation including the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (Section 9 to 11), Section 4 of the Defective Premises Act 1972 and Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018.

We have acted for a number of landlords and tenants preparing reports for use in Court. We defend most of the claims brought by tenants against a local authority near to Nottingham.

The Housing Health and Safety Rating System lists common catergories of hazards found in residential properties and there likely risk of occuring. Our Housing disrepair surveyors hold practioners certificates in the Housing Health and Safety Rating System and are fully famiiliar with the hazards.

A survey following HHSRS guidlines can be a useful tool for landlords in ensuring that they do not receive claims from tenants which can result in signifcant compensation. Compensation in serious cases can be half of the weekly rent for each week of disrepair.

Housing Helath and Safety Rating System HHSRS

The HHSRS is a system devised by the University of Warwick to measure the probability and likely severtity of injury for twenty nine types of hazard that can occur in domestic dwellings taking into account the type and age of property and likely occupants.

The twenty nine hazards are

1. Damp and mould growth 
2. Excess cold
3. Excess heat
4. Asbestos and MMF
5. Biocides
6. Carbon monoxide and fuel combustion products
7. Lead

8. Radiation
9. Uncombusted fuel gas

10. Volatile organic compounds
11. Crowding and space
12. Entry by intruders
13. Lighting
14. Noise
15. Domestic hygiene, pests and refuse
16. Food safety
17. Personal hygiene, sanitation and drainage
18. Water supply
19. Falls associated with baths etc
20. Falling on level surfaces etc
21. Falling on stairs etc
22. Falling between levels
23. Electrical hazards
24. Fire
25. Flames, hot surfaces etc
26. Collision and entrapment
27. Explosions
28. Position and operability of amenities etc

29. Structural collapse and falling elements

If you have received an Improvement, Repair or Minded To Notice it is important that these notices are treated seriously as they carry potential for criminal penalties but there are many opportunities to challenge them or the amount of works required. It is also important that action is taken quickly as otherwise you can loose the right to challenge the notice which is ultimately before the independant Residential Property Tribunal.

CPR Part 35 (Civil Procedure Rules) compliant expert witness reports:

Our Houing Disrepair surveyors are familar with the requrements Part35 and Part35A of the Civil procedure Rules and can provide all the relevant statements confirming that the Surveyor understands and has for filled his duty to act impartially on behalf of the court. They also ensure that matters that the Surveyor has decided for him self, matters of fact and opinion and information received from other parties are all clearly explained to the court.

Steve Butler can also attend the Court to give evidence if the circumstances of the case require.





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